Special Events

Seven Steps to the Solstice

Individual tickets for the full and new Moon events are $33. There is also a "Special Event Punchpass" available for $200 which gives you seven events for the price of six. PURCHASE PASSES or REGISTER FOR EVENTS

With the fall season officially engaged, we may find ourselves spending more time indoors, both physically and metaphorically. It is a time to process the fruits of the summer, compost what has been spent, and gather the detritus of what has been processed in order to remove or recycle it.

On a physical level, this is a great time for cleansing. We can do a formal cleanse that helps us clean our bodies internally through diet and lifestyle changes, we can move through our living space and remove what isn't being used, deep clean, or reorganize for the upcoming season when we spend more time indoors. Autumn is perfect for processing and letting go.

At Estes Park Yoga, we have been offering monthly events around each new Moon and full Moon. Tracking the seasons with the movement of the Sun helps us to keep in touch with our own natural rhythms as they relate to our physical environment. Tuning into the cycles of the Moon can help us keep in touch with our mental and emotional fields, which tend to ebb and flow like the tides, which are related to the cycle of the Moon.

Mental and physical energy tends to ebb and wane during the new Moon times, making it a great time each month to check in, meditate on our direction, release what is defunct, and set intentions for the upcoming month. Check out the New Moon Guided Hypnotic Meditations that will be offered around the new Moon each month. The idea is to pause, turn inward, and realign with purpose, truth, and direction.

During full Moons, mental and physical energy can surge and flow, showing the expression of what we have been building out of our new Moon intentions. With abundant emotions, and mental expression during the full Moon times, we are offering a Breath Work and Sound Bath event that is designed to bring body, mind, and spirit into harmony so that we can experience life fully and from an integrated sense of being that feels peaceful and purposeful, while making space for both joy and challenge, which we all find as constant companions through life.

For the Autumn 2024 season, we are presenting these events as a sequence of intentional experience that can be enjoyed either as a series or as singular events. Tickets for our new and full Moon events are $33. We are also offering a 7 punch pass for $200, if you'd like to commit to the full series. Special Event punch passes can be used for any special events or ticketed workshops.

Step 1: Remove Barriers & Set Intentions
Event Date: Friday, Oct 4. 6:00 - 7:30 pm
New Moon Guided Hypnotic Meditation
Facilitator: Aza Rose

This event occurs just after the October 2nd new moon solar eclipse. September may have revealed some ugly truths that have inspired you to make changes and improvements. This meditation will focus on setting strong intentions and clear goals while clearing away obstacles recently identified.

Step 2: Step Out with Strength
Event Date: Friday, Oct 18. 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Full Moon Breath Work & Sound Bath
Facilitator: Jody Lockhart

The October full Moon event rides on the vibes of the Full Moon of October 17th, which will feel fiery, inspired, and powerful. After setting intentions for the autumn during the new Moon, we are gaining momentum and courage to make space for our growth and desires.

Step 3: Assess, Reorient, Create
Event Date: Friday, Nov 1. 6:00 - 7:30 pm
New Moon Guided Hypnotic Meditation
Facilitator: Aza Rose

This event occurs on the new Moon exactly, pulling us back to the drawing board after having ventured out and gathering info. Taking a step back to assess, we can reorient to our relations and creations. With our trajectory of courage, we may begin to see ways forward that were previously inaccessible.

Step 4: Refill & Sustain
Event Date: Thursday, November 14. 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Full Moon Breath Work & Sound Bath
Facilitator: Jody Lockhart

As the Moon lights up the night in mid-November, we are halfway in our journey toward the Winter solstice. Find strength in the bright moon to sustain your inner journey. We open with breath work and fill the space we create with healing sound vibrations.

Step 5: Dig Deep
Event Date: Saturday, Nov 30. 6:00 - 7:30 pm
New Moon Guided Hypnotic Meditation
Facilitator: Aza Rose

Turning inward, it's time to mine a bit deeper and connect with the roots of our desires. As we prepare to meet the shortest days of the year, we open to our inner life, our dreams, and our spiritual connections.

Step 6: Celebrate Connection
Event Date: Saturday, Dec 14. 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Full Moon Breath Work & Sound Bath
Facilitator: Jody Lockhart

Stepping toward the solstice reflects intentional reconnection with the soul. The Sun's journey through the year offers us guidance and governs how life on Earth expresses through the seasons. The Winter Solstice falls on December 21st, inviting us to move once again toward longer and lighter days as we carry the wisdom of the winter season forward. Celebrate the light as it returns!

Step 7: New Year Intention
Event Date: Saturday, Dec 28. 6:00 - 7:30 pm
New Moon Guided Hypnotic Meditation
Facilitator: Aza Rose

The “New Sun” of the Winter Solstice on December 21st will be followed by the New Moon of December 30th, making the last few days of December ripe for cleaning the slate and looking ahead with a joyful spirit and vibrant mind for 2025. As we shed the Autumn and fully face the future, let us reconnect with our priorities and intentions as we move into full Winter season, into full stillness, with the promise of Spring on the horizon.